Honney Rolls with Nuts Sprinkle Recipe

Honney Rolls with Nuts Sprinkle Recipe – Flavored with vanilla and cinnamon and sweetened with honey, these honey rolls are one of my childhood favorite treats. Brush them with honey and sprinkle chopped nuts of top for a little crunch.

Servings: 10


1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup lukewarm milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1 package Red Star active dry yeast
3 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup honey
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
~1/3 cup lukewarm milk
1 egg, lightly beaten, to brush the rolls
honey and chopped nuts to sprinkle over the rolls


In a small bowl add 1 cup of flour. Make a well in the middle and pour in the half a cup of lukewarm milk. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar over the milk and the active dry yeast. Give the yeast a gentle stir and leave it for 5-10 minutes until bubbles appear at the surface and it slightly increases in volume.

Meanwhile, add the remaining flour, melted butter, honey, egg, salt, vanilla extract and cinnamon to a mixing bowl.

Pour over the proofed yeast with the 1 cup of flour.

Fit your mixer with the dough hook. Start kneading the dough, slowly adding the remaining 1/3 cup milk until you have a soft elastic, dough that cleans itself for the sides of the bowl.

If needed add more milk.

Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and place it in an oiled bowl. Cover with a clean tea towel and let it rest until doubled in volume. The dough, being enriched with butter, egg and honey, will take a little longer to double in size. DO not panic. Mine took a little over 2 hours.

Once doubled in volume, remove it from the bowl and divide it into 10 pieces.

Roll each piece into a rope and shape it into an 8 or an infinite sign. You can also braid it or shape it into a coil.

Place the shaped rolls onto two baking sheets. Cover with a tea towel again and ret rest for another hour.

Heat the oven to 350F. Just before baking, brush the rolls with the beaten egg. Bake the rolls, one sheet at a time for 16-18 minutes until golden.

Remove from the oven and let slightly cool.

While still warm, brush the rolls with honey and sprinkle chopped nuts over them.

Source: atreatsaffair.com

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